Monday, May 4, 2009
So I thought I'd add a little closure onto this since we got the money raised and I'm not just working on packing and gathering up the essentials like drops to make my water sanitary to drink and MUCH mosquito repellent (the 100% DEET kind). I'm trying to say hello and goodbye to all those I can. So if you're reading this and we're even friends, Hello and Goodbye! I'm way excited to tell you ALL about my trip when I get back!!!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Feels like it's been a while...
Oh hello!! It has been a busy few weeks! School has been crazy and then I had good old Spring Break!! Oh, mine was great, thanks for asking. It was mostly full of work, cleaning, and hanging with the fam. I even went for 36 hours without sleep at one point (I know what you're thinking, and no, I wouldn't recommend it!)

Though I certainly would recommend hanging out with my nephew Carson. He's pretty rad. He even lets me give his red head a sweet Mohawk.
But even through all that, Africa prevails! Plans are in full swing and every day it feels more and more like my dream is coming true! I had a couple of days to catch up on my news of Africa during the break, and let me tell you, it was inspiring as usual. If you even spend a couple of minutes Googling some key words you can quickly find out there are many people struggling in Africa. But there certainly is something that we can do about it! I firmly believe that just educating yourself and looking outside yourself to the great big world can be difficult but will greatly enhance your life. It has helped me learn the value of people, even if we are just a tiny spec on the map. I firmly believe we are all part of a divine plan much bigger than all of us.
Anyway, my main goal was to update on where we are with plans here and fill you all in on some big news.... I will get to use a Buddy Pass for my flight! For those of you who don't know what these are, essentially a friend of my brother Tim works for Delta so he has some passes that allow people to fly for a fraction (1/4th in my case) of the cost. Hooray!! Thanks to Tim for your dedication in following through with this and those involved in getting me the pass, I'm so grateful for your willingness to help me! So, this knocks about 1500 dollars off of the grand total bring us down to about $4,000. Thank you to those who have contributed and have helped me! We're going to do this and I'm so very excited!!
Coming soon to a blog near you: $300 dollars worth of shots. Feel free to start placing bets whether I chicken out or not! (I have a huge fear of needles...)
Sunday, March 1, 2009
A Solid Shout Out and Money Breakdown
I'm utterly and completely blown away by the amazingness I am surrounded by! I'm fully aware of the fact that I didn't plan this all as well as I could have, and I realize I'm pretty much crazy for all this, but in spite of all that, my family and friends have shown OVERWHELMING support. Everything from the comments, the meetings, the suggestions, and offers of monetary backing; you guys never cease to amaze me! I really appreciate all that's been done. Please know you are not only making a HUGE difference in my life right now, you are greatly impacting my future for the positive, and making a positive and lasting affect on the lives of those I'll be serving. Thank you!!
Now, down to awesome business... I finally got the paypal account thing figured out! You should see the button on the right. For the most part, it is only set up to receive funds from a paypall account. If you would like to donate from a debit or credit, just let me know, and we can work that out. Now you may be asking yourself, "What is up with these funds?" Allow me to break it down:
Fees for Volunteering: $2, 830
Plane Ticket: about $2,000
Other Fees: about $500
Serving in Ghana: PRICELESS!!
So, that's the damage. That is a lot of zeros, let me tell you what they're all about. The Fees for volunteering cover the 3 months I will be in Ghana. Mostly it covers my shelter, my food, my safety, the in country-coordinator, and the many materials I have to help with the culture and language (I'm trying to learn Ewe! Stay in touch...). They do not cover my plane ticket, which is why it is written above. Those two will pretty much everything but a few things that can't be forgotten. The other category includes: Visa fees, immunization, traveler's insurance, and funds I will need in the country for using internet or making phone calls.
Really what I would love to have help with is the plane ticket and volunteering fees. If you want to help with the volunteering fees, it's tax deductible and I can give you the tax ID number, just let me know! Also, we are pushing to get my plane ticket purchased AQAP (As quick as possible) before it gets any more expensive. This, unfortunately wouldn't really be tax deductible because it would just be a personal donation. Even if all you've got is the change from out of your couch, every cent helps! I love you all and I'm so glad you're sharing this journey with me!
Now, down to awesome business... I finally got the paypal account thing figured out! You should see the button on the right. For the most part, it is only set up to receive funds from a paypall account. If you would like to donate from a debit or credit, just let me know, and we can work that out. Now you may be asking yourself, "What is up with these funds?" Allow me to break it down:
Fees for Volunteering: $2, 830
Plane Ticket: about $2,000
Other Fees: about $500
Serving in Ghana: PRICELESS!!
So, that's the damage. That is a lot of zeros, let me tell you what they're all about. The Fees for volunteering cover the 3 months I will be in Ghana. Mostly it covers my shelter, my food, my safety, the in country-coordinator, and the many materials I have to help with the culture and language (I'm trying to learn Ewe! Stay in touch...). They do not cover my plane ticket, which is why it is written above. Those two will pretty much everything but a few things that can't be forgotten. The other category includes: Visa fees, immunization, traveler's insurance, and funds I will need in the country for using internet or making phone calls.
Really what I would love to have help with is the plane ticket and volunteering fees. If you want to help with the volunteering fees, it's tax deductible and I can give you the tax ID number, just let me know! Also, we are pushing to get my plane ticket purchased AQAP (As quick as possible) before it gets any more expensive. This, unfortunately wouldn't really be tax deductible because it would just be a personal donation. Even if all you've got is the change from out of your couch, every cent helps! I love you all and I'm so glad you're sharing this journey with me!
Monday, February 23, 2009
What I'll be doing on the sandy beaches of Ghana
So, you've heard my story (if not, please refer to below!) but now I'd love to share with you what I'll actually be doing in the sweet sweet Ghana! Prepare to be amazed...
For my volunteering adventure, I will be in a small village of Atorkor (luckily they supply my mosquito net). This enchanting little village on the beach is supported by fishing, which has been taking a big hit because of over fishing by foreigners and a dam built by the government. There are many NGOs (Non-government Organizations) that are working their to stimulate the economy and help out.
Village Volunteers is set up to send people out to locations and work with NGOs. Here I will be able to help them wherever needed. The areas I will be able to help include (but are certainly not limited to): the medical center, with micro financing programs, employment training, education and welfare, and much more! One thing I love about this village is that there is no orphanage because the loving people absorb children that are orphaned into their homes. I hope to be able to he
lp out a lot with these kids in the schools. I've spoken with the director about some things I could do here. She suggested I should plan some activities to do with the kids in the village. I'm really excited about that! And also she suggested I do writing projects with the girls in the village about what it means to them to be a girl. This is a project they want to turn in to a book that will raise more funds for these great people. I'm still corresponding with the director and more details about some of my projects are to follow! But if anyone has any ideas of really fun activities to do with groups of children, I would LOVE to hear them!!

Also.... I got Hep A and Hep B shots today. For those that don't know, needles are one of my biggest fears. But that to me is what Africa is about. Conquering fears, enduring, and doing so many things I never thought I could. I didn't even cry or freak out when I got my shot cause I knew I was doing it so I could go to Africa!!!
Friday, February 20, 2009
This Is What's Up!
I'm going to Ghana! But truth be told, it will only be with your help. Let me give you the low down!
First, a tiny bit about me. I'm currently a student at Utah State University. I am working on a double major of Anthropology and International Studies. My plan after graduation is to work with humanitarian groups. To get myself through school, I've been working whenever I can. My current job is working in home with my new friends who are disabled. It definitely has some intense challenges, but overall it has been amazing. That's the quick and dirty. There will certainly be more to follow.
Now, about Ghana. My obsession with Africa began about a year ago when I stumbled upon a showing of an Invisible Children movie (please visit This film is about a war that has been raging in Uganda (East Africa) for over 22 years. I'll definitely be talking about this more later. I realized there and then there was a huge world out there, and I wanted to be a part of it. I had been studying Anthropology (The holistic study of humans, my focus being culture) because I decided the only thing I found interesting enough to study was people. To me they have always been the most important thing. When these combined, I realized my calling: Understanding people and creating better circumstances wherever I can. Though I try to do this everyday (not always succeeding), I started thinking about serving in Africa. It started by learning about Africa, then by looking at places I could serve, and after much research, I signed up to go to Ghana with Village Volunteers! ( I started thinking I would just work towards it, loving the changes taking place in me as I worked towards what I knew was impossible; trying new things, pushing myself farther, and constantly focusing on Africa rather than the trials of my own life.
A few days ago, though, reality hit. I realized I'd been putting off one of the biggest challenges of this trip: finances. I was so scared by the thought, my way of dealing with it was by not. I kept rolling around abstract ideas that I would do later, setting unrealistic goals and letting them slip while I focused on things I felt I could I control (shots, passport, etc). And now here I am, hoping to leave in three months and no real significant portion of my funds to speak of. I finally decided I should start coping with the fact this dream might not come true. This to me was more devastating then I thought it could be. I pretty much became incapacitated by this fact, essentially only leaving my house for classes I couldn't possibly afford to miss and to go to work. I decided the only way to pull out of this was to give myself back the only reason I'd been getting out of bed: Africa. I decided it was time to ask for help. And after letting my family in on what has been going on, my brother encouraged me to start this. To set a place where I can share with others my passion and keep them posted on the funds he assured me we could raise together. So thank you Dan, and thanks to all of you who are here to help me help the Children of Africa!!!
First, a tiny bit about me. I'm currently a student at Utah State University. I am working on a double major of Anthropology and International Studies. My plan after graduation is to work with humanitarian groups. To get myself through school, I've been working whenever I can. My current job is working in home with my new friends who are disabled. It definitely has some intense challenges, but overall it has been amazing. That's the quick and dirty. There will certainly be more to follow.
Now, about Ghana. My obsession with Africa began about a year ago when I stumbled upon a showing of an Invisible Children movie (please visit This film is about a war that has been raging in Uganda (East Africa) for over 22 years. I'll definitely be talking about this more later. I realized there and then there was a huge world out there, and I wanted to be a part of it. I had been studying Anthropology (The holistic study of humans, my focus being culture) because I decided the only thing I found interesting enough to study was people. To me they have always been the most important thing. When these combined, I realized my calling: Understanding people and creating better circumstances wherever I can. Though I try to do this everyday (not always succeeding), I started thinking about serving in Africa. It started by learning about Africa, then by looking at places I could serve, and after much research, I signed up to go to Ghana with Village Volunteers! ( I started thinking I would just work towards it, loving the changes taking place in me as I worked towards what I knew was impossible; trying new things, pushing myself farther, and constantly focusing on Africa rather than the trials of my own life.
A few days ago, though, reality hit. I realized I'd been putting off one of the biggest challenges of this trip: finances. I was so scared by the thought, my way of dealing with it was by not. I kept rolling around abstract ideas that I would do later, setting unrealistic goals and letting them slip while I focused on things I felt I could I control (shots, passport, etc). And now here I am, hoping to leave in three months and no real significant portion of my funds to speak of. I finally decided I should start coping with the fact this dream might not come true. This to me was more devastating then I thought it could be. I pretty much became incapacitated by this fact, essentially only leaving my house for classes I couldn't possibly afford to miss and to go to work. I decided the only way to pull out of this was to give myself back the only reason I'd been getting out of bed: Africa. I decided it was time to ask for help. And after letting my family in on what has been going on, my brother encouraged me to start this. To set a place where I can share with others my passion and keep them posted on the funds he assured me we could raise together. So thank you Dan, and thanks to all of you who are here to help me help the Children of Africa!!!
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