Though I certainly would recommend hanging out with my nephew Carson. He's pretty rad. He even lets me give his red head a sweet Mohawk.
But even through all that, Africa prevails! Plans are in full swing and every day it feels more and more like my dream is coming true! I had a couple of days to catch up on my news of Africa during the break, and let me tell you, it was inspiring as usual. If you even spend a couple of minutes Googling some key words you can quickly find out there are many people struggling in Africa. But there certainly is something that we can do about it! I firmly believe that just educating yourself and looking outside yourself to the great big world can be difficult but will greatly enhance your life. It has helped me learn the value of people, even if we are just a tiny spec on the map. I firmly believe we are all part of a divine plan much bigger than all of us.
Anyway, my main goal was to update on where we are with plans here and fill you all in on some big news.... I will get to use a Buddy Pass for my flight! For those of you who don't know what these are, essentially a friend of my brother Tim works for Delta so he has some passes that allow people to fly for a fraction (1/4th in my case) of the cost. Hooray!! Thanks to Tim for your dedication in following through with this and those involved in getting me the pass, I'm so grateful for your willingness to help me! So, this knocks about 1500 dollars off of the grand total bring us down to about $4,000. Thank you to those who have contributed and have helped me! We're going to do this and I'm so very excited!!
Coming soon to a blog near you: $300 dollars worth of shots. Feel free to start placing bets whether I chicken out or not! (I have a huge fear of needles...)
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